
托福口语黄金80题 | 西安托福学习TPO9(三)

2019-08-29 16:54



  task3题目 Reading Part:

  Required Work Experience

  The business studies department at State University will now require all students enrolled in its program to complete one semester of work experience in a local corporation or small business.It is felt that students will benefit from this work experience by developing leadership and organizational skills that would not normally be learned in a classroom or campus setting.Furthermore, the relationships that students establish with the company that they work for may help them to secure permanent employment with that company once they have completed the program and graduated.

  Listening Part:

  Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

  (man) Read this announcement?

  (woman) Yeah, and I disagree. I don’t think it’ll actually help students.

  (man) Really, why not?

  (woman) Well, they talked about leadership and organizational skills, but that’s not

  really the kind of work you do. Like my elder brother ’s had the kind of job they’re talking about, and typically you are just there to do the basic tasks like typing or filing stuff, nothing very meaningful.

  (man) Oh, so you wouldn’t actually learn anything new.

  (woman) Exactly!

  (man) I guess I see what you mean. But what about the other point they make?

  (woman) About this helping us after we graduate? I don’t agree.

  (man) How come?

  (woman) Well, the problem is that there’re lots of other universities in our area that have the same requirement. So there’re lots of other students at these positions.

  (man) Yeah, I guess I haven’t thought of that.

  (woman) So, even if you take a position like this in a company while you’re still a student, once you graduate the competition for permanent jobs will be impossible. I mean there just won’t be enough jobs available for all of the business graduates in the city that will be looking for full-time work.

  (man) Hmmm, I see what you’re saying.


  The woman expresses her opinion about the new policy. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


  1. Reading key

  (1.1) Announcement: all business graduates must intern at a local business

  (1.2) Reason 1: business and leadership skills

  (1.3) Reason 2: professional relationship building

  2. Listening key

  (2.1) Woman disagrees with it

  (2.2) Reason 1: students don’t learn anything meaningful at these positions

  (2.2.1) Detail: her cousin did it before, all there is to do are basic stuff like filing and typing

  (2.3) Reason 2: internship can’t secure permanent positions

  (2.3.1) Details: the problem not is not the lack of work experiences, problem is there aren’t enough job opens for all graduates in the area




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