
托福口语黄金80题 | 西安托福学习TPO17(五)

2019-08-29 23:25



  task5题目 Listening Part:

  Listen to a conversation between two students.

  (man) Hey Sally, I just got the first copy of my research paper back from professor Stone.

  (woman) Just now? I got mine back a few days ago.

  (man) Yeah, everyone else in the class that I know of got theirs back a few days ago too.

  (woman) But, the deadline… you’re running out of time.

  (man) Yeah. I only have one day to review all his comments and write my final draft. He made a lot of suggestions.

  (woman) You should definitely ask Professor Stone for a deadline extension. He should take some responsibility for the situation; it is sort of his fault you won’t have much time to work on it before the due date.

  (man) I thought about that, but would he think I was being pushy, or…criticizing him for not getting the paper back to me right away? I don’t want to offend him.

  (woman) True, but it’s your grad e we’re talking about. You’ve got a legitimate concern, but it’s understandable if you’ re uncomfortable asking.

  (man) Yeah… I’m in a tough spot.

  (woman) You know you could always just do your best with the time you have left. You’re a good student, I bet you can finish it quickly; work really fast and it’ll still turn out good.

  (man) Do my best with the time I have left. Well…if I worked really hard, I imagine I might ok, but I have to be sure to deal with all of those comments. I need a good grade.


  The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem, then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


  Listening key

  Problem: the man got his research paper late from the professor and he worries he won't have enough time to deal with all the comments the professor made

  Solution 1: ask the professor for a deadline extension

  Pro: he has the right because it's the professor who didn't leave him with enough time to work on the final draft

  Con: the professor might get offended, he might think the man is accusing him of getting back the paper late

  Solution 2: work with the time he's got left

  Pro: he's a good student, he can pull it off if he works extra hard

  Con: there might not be enough time to deal with all the comments made by the professor




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