
托福口语黄金80题 | 西安托福学习TPO19(五)

2019-08-29 23:34



  task5题目 Listening Part:

  Listen to a conversation between two students.

  (man) How’s it going, Mar y? Got your schedule all worked out for the semester?

  (woman) It’s coming together, actually, I just hear d about my student teaching assignment.

  (man) Teaching assignment? You’re student teaching?

  (woman) Yeah, you know I’m majoring in education so one of the requirements is to teach for a semester in a classroom, usually at the local school in town. We help teach the kids at the school one day a week. I just got my class assignment.

  (man) Well, that’s good.

  (woman) Yeah, but I’ve got a scheduling problem.

  (man) Uh, oh.

  (woman) The d ay I’ve been assigned to teach at the school in town will be the same day my Chinese History course meets here at the university.

  (man) Hmmm, well, could you wait to take the Chinese History course? Sign up for it at another semester or something.

  (woman) Yeah, but, this one’s taught by Dr. Zhan g, he’s a visiting professor. He’ll only be here one semester and he’s supposed to be amazing. I’m really interested in the class since I might be visiting China.

  (man) Is there another option?

  (woman) Yeah, actually, the teaching assignment is on a day when I will be working with older kids, teenagers, but the school also needs a student teacher to work in a classroom with little kids, like five- and six- year olds and it’s on a different day when I am free so I could do it.

  (man) So you could change your teaching assignment to a different day.

  (woman) Yeah, it’s just that I really want to teach older kids.

  (man) Oh!

  (woman) I’m planning o n teaching older kids when I graduate, so it would be better experience for me, for my career.


  Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing, then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.




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