
托福写作:小区附近新建电影院 | 西安托福培训点

2019-08-30 12:31




  Do you like a new movie theater being built in your neighborhood?

  It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.




  Many people consider our town a small provincial backwater, lacking both culture and the amenities of modern life. Building the recently proposed movie theater would be a step in the right direction, away from our backwards past, and towards participation in the larger world. It will create jobs, spark economic activity, and provide entertainment and culture for our young people. Movie theaters are necessarily large-scale affairs, attract a large amount of customers, and accordingly need to employ a fairly large number of people as ushers, concession stand chefs and attendants, ticket sellers, and janitorial staff, as well as projection technicians, managers, accountants, and other higher-level professionals. The employees would be drawn from the local population, and considering the tight job market in the area, the movie theatre would provide much needed full or supplement incomes for at least thirty families in the area. Going to the movies is usually an evening experience that either precedes or comes directly after eating dinner. For this reason many restaurants, cafes, bars, music shops, and other leisure and entertainment venues spring up around movie theatres. People who are going to the movies have disposable incomes and have already left their houses in search of a good time. This is an ideal market, and local entrepreneurs are certain to capitalize on the opportunity to open up new business ventures and develop the lucrative area around the movie theater, further invigorating the local economy. In addition to providing jobs and developing the local economy, a movie theater will bring us a little bit closer to the outside world. We will be able to participate in popular culture. A movie theater is one step in this direction, and if we can successfully transform our sleepy little hamlet into a regional cultural hot spot, we will be able to keep our young people from migrating to larger cities that they consider more developed and sophisticated. Our young people are our most precious resource and we should do everything to keep them here.




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