托福作文范文 | 西安托福
2019-08-31 15:42
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : in modern days, parents can learn more from their children than children can learn from their parents.
The relationship between parents and children has become closer than ever before because of the overall improvement of educational level. In this case, there appears to a controversy whether parents learn more from their children than their children learn more from them. From my perspective, though some people may point out that today’s children are exposed to more knowledge, I still believe there are a lot more they need to learn from their parents for the following reasons and examples.
Firstly, during children’s academic career, they need to learn a lot from their parents. To be specific, there are a wide range of challenges, except for those academic obstacles, that children have to confront. Parents would be whom they depend on to seek solutions. For instance, feeling unconfident and even intimidated to interact with teachers, while difficulties, such as failing to understand to how use the axiom and theory to work on some Mathematics problems, happen to children, is not a rare thing. In order to achieve academic performance, eliminating the emotion of communication fright is required and parents could teach children how to interact with their teachers in an effective way, such as exhibiting the honesty and humbleness to their teacher. Also, the experience of what parents had undergone as students can be shared with children to prevent them from making some mistakes, like the ignorance of practicing oral English, which would ultimately contribute to their inability of talking with foreigners fluently. Therefore, children, during their school time, need to learn a lot from their parents.
Secondly, after graduation from the university, children will still count on their parents in many aspects. How to adapt to the changing environment in the society filled with intense competition, because of the converted role of being students to employees, would be the first lesson they need to learn from parents. For instance, children whose major is Finance will be required to introduce some financial products to their clients and analyze how many profits they will gain in the next year during their daily work, which differs a lot from what they did at school. How to communicate with clients, though they might be arrogant, self-centered and suspicious, in a patient and polite way is what children can learn from their parents. Besides, the enormous professional pressure would drive those rookies to be crazy and how to maintain positive mentality is another lesson from parents who would advise them to spend their leisure time engaging in more social activities to widen their friends circles and participating in more physical exercises to maintain physical health. Only with high-quality physical and mental conditions can they ensure higher working efficiency.
All in all, no matter how old children are, they would still need to learn a lot from their parents whose precious life experience is far more abundant than theirs.
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