
雅思写作必看范文模板33 | 西安雅思培训

2019-09-06 13:06



  Today more and more young children have mobile phones. Critics say that this is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

  Cell-phone texting has become a preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, with cell calling being second. There is no denying that technology has evolved over a period of time and has become easily accessible across the globe. One such technology advancement, that has swept the world and made people stick to it, is the mobile phone technology. More and more youngsters are inclined towards it. But, there are some opinions that mobile phones have more negative impact on younger generation than positive.

  With so many features being available to them, most of them have dedicated their lives to a five-inch screen. A recent study showed that the people aged between 15-30 years are addicted to phones and are more likely to face depression, anxiety, and heart palpitations. Furthermore, the young people using phones tend to have a negative impact on their studies and job. Most of them lose out on connecting with people in real life because of their over indulgence in the technology at large.

  However, mobile phones also have a positive impact. With the crime rates in young people increasing phones make sure they can be tracked. For example, in a recent kidnapping case, police was able to track down the victim using the GPS on their mobile phones. Moreover, many young people have used their mobile phones in fighting corruption.

  The latest mobile phones are embedded with powerful tools and there is no denying that. However, most people tend to have compulsions to it leading to a depressed and often anxious individual. So, in my opinion, the mobile phone is a power that needs to be used with equal responsibility.




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