
雅思口语解析:数学课学到的技能 | 西安雅思培训学校哪家好

2019-09-10 11:59



  A skill learned in a math class

  这篇数学技能的语料自今年5月出现以来,可以说一直被各位烤鸭公认为最难说的part 2之一。不幸的是,9-12月题库中这个语料依然被沿用。万幸的是(敲黑板!!!),大家仔细跟着下面的指导并参考范例,就能 ** 证不再怵它!

  首先,在素材选取方面,大家一定要考虑好语料实际操作的难度。例如,有考生选择了三角函数(Trigonometry),确实可以结合如测量树高、山高等实际例子讲到生活应用,但是词汇难度(如斜边 hypotenuse)实在可操作性不大。


  I’d like to talk about the linear equation with one unknown, which proved to be really really helpful in life.

  I think it was introduced to us in the 5th grade of primary school, if memory serves me right. We were told the equation was, without doubt, a crucial component in the syllabus. Our math teacher was quite experienced, (I remember,) to say the least. He used a wide range of examples to make the equation as simple as possible for us. So, basically, you name the unknown or the variable as X. Then, all you gotta do is to move all the numbers to the right-hand side of the equation, leaving the X on the left. With certain subtractions or divisions and such, and bang, Bob’s your uncle. You get the value of X.

  Back then, it was just another math problem in my homework for me, really. It wasn’t until recently that I found it could be a massive help in life. I remember last month, I went to a swimming club to join the membership. They’ve got two kinds of membership card. For the golden membership, you pay 2 grand for the card and it comes with unlimited free entries for a year. The silver only costs you 400, but you’re gonna have to pay another 40 every time you use the swimming pool. I used the equation to work out that if I was to go swimming for more than 40 times, I should definitely opt for the golden, if less than 40, the silver.

  You see, it provides me with a logical and effective way to make the best choice when I need to compare offers. It’s just a marvelous piece of skill !!



  其次,数学课技能part 2如果花大篇幅描述数学知识点本身,需要大量地使用专有名词和一些无法口语化的数学学科用语,这会直接增加脱稿的难度。所以我们需要在要求范围内尽量减少数学知识点本身的描述篇幅,并多展开谈论该技能在生活中的实际运用。(敲黑板!!)实际运用一定要有故事性!!Part 2语料故事性越强越不容易在脱稿时思路脱节,描述的对象所需的语言越难,我们越需要增加背后的故事,帮助我们提高整篇语料的流利度。

  大家仔细看这篇语料不难发现,描述游泳馆办卡经历的段落要远比介绍一元一次方程的段落语言更简单、更生活化,意味着该部分语料更容易熟练掌握。总之,在不可避免地需要描述形象物品(如本季度“自制物品”、“坏掉的设备”题卡)或抽象事物(如本季度“好法律”、“花很长时间学习的技能”题卡)时,应在 ** 证小问题回答完整地情况下,适度减少对该物品或事物的直接描述,留出一定篇幅展开可操作性更强的背景故事或后续发展。(注:游泳馆办卡的事例可自行修改为类似的其他自身经历,如健身卡等)

  最后但也同样重要的一点,在烤鸭们写完故事后,一定要根据前面的篇幅长短加上适量的主观感受。在练习过程中大家需要多把控时间,在考试中避免头重脚轻,避免2分钟时间到了还没有开始主观感受的表达。最后的一个小问在考官的眼中同样非常重要(Last but NOT the least!!!)。


  Linear equation with one unknown


  if memory serves me right


  if memory serves me correctly/well/right都可以使用

  =if I remember correctly

  =if I’m not mistaken

  例句:If memory serves me well, we should turn left here.

  without doubt

  地道表达:毫无疑问 (口语中经常用作插入语)

  例句:That is, without doubt, the best memory for me.

  a crucial component in the syllabus


  简单版本替换:a major part of our maths study

  name the unknown or the variable as X


  简单版本替换:name the unknown as X

  With certain subtractions or divisions and such


  简单版本替换:With certain calculation 通过特定的计算

  Bob’s your uncle !


  massive help


  很多烤鸭会选择说...which is very helpful...。这语法上没有任何错误,但是口语考试中大多数考生都会这个表达,在适当的时候同义替换成...which could be a massive help...可能成为加分亮点。

  part3 问题以及解析

  1. Can computers help us in math areas?

  电脑在数学领域对我们有帮助是显而易见的,但是不建议烤鸭们用“这还用问?”的用语或语气,比如“That's obvious.”。应 ** 持谦逊的态度,首先作肯定回答,然后铺垫生活当中有很多地方都见得到电脑帮助解决数学问题的情况,最后举两到三个例子完成答案。

  Well, I would say so. Although I’m not an expert in mathematics, I’ve seen so many cases in which math problems are better solved by computers. For instance, when people need to process a large amount of statistics, like when average is needed for a group of numbers, Excel can work that out under a second. Also, if we’re dealing with complex equations or functions, certain software could generate the graph for us.

  2. What is the first subject learned by children in China?

  这题的答案看似也很明显,一般都会说语文课,但是单说语文课又不太容易展开到满足part 3需要的内容量。所以给大家介绍一个比较好用的扩充语料规则:从普遍到特殊。用语也不难掌握:开头Normally,...... 延伸Sometimes,......。如果还能想到非常特殊的,我们还可以在最后加上In some extreme cases,......。

  Normally, children in China, like in most of foreign countries, would receive language training when they enter the education system. I mean, kids of that age would generally have limited language ability. I remember when I was about to attend the primary school, I couldn’t even write down my name properly. Sometimes, pupils would be welcomed by a series of behaviour modification sessions, which would later help them fit in better.

  3. What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?

  这题有一个必须注意的点,问题中提到“methods”使用的复数形式,所以考生只答一个方法是会在答题内容量方面被扣分的。同样的规则适用于其它part 1及part 3中任意一个问题中带复数的答案,如“What reasons...”。其实这样的题反过来说还更好回答一些,因为思路非常明确,就是罗列两到三个所问的方法、原因等。下列答案中罗列了两个方法,第一个方法用说原因的方式扩展,第二个方法用举例子的方式扩展。

  First of all, I think it would be really intriguing for the students if the math class is closely related to their daily lives. I mean, if they are aware that the skills they’re about to learn could be used after school, they would probably pay more attention. Also, appropriate realia could definitely catch pupils’ eyes. For example, I remember when we started to learn the basic trigonometry, our math teacher brought some Chinese tangram, with which we had a lot of fun whilst actually having learned a lot at the same time.

  4.How do you use math in your daily life?

  该题关于考生本人,偏向part 1问题类型,所以没有太多限制,可以按照自己的实际经历作答。

  Well, it’s truly in every aspect of my life. I’m a person who likes to manage money accurately, so I always keep records of my expenses. Sometimes if I’m a bit strapped for cash, I would work out an average daily cost and stick to the budget. Or just like I mentioned earlier, whenever I get different offers or packages, I always do the calculation and figure out the best option for me.




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