2019年9-12月雅思口语预测:Visiting A Friend | 雅思西安培训
2019-09-17 18:10
Describe an experience when you visited a friend.
You should say:
where you visited him or her
what you did
why you visited him or her
and explain how you felt about it
There is one really memorable time when I visited a friend. I’d like to talk about the time when I went to see my friend Bonnie, in Boston, Massachusetts, in America. I had originally met Bonnie in university in Xi’an. She was an English literature teacher from MIT who had retired and wanted to spend a couple of years in China. Anyway, a few years ago, I was visiting the United States, New York, in fact, and I decided to take the bus up the east coast to visit Bonnie. The journey took about 5 hours and stopped several times along the way. When I arrived in Boston, Bonnie picked me up in her car and drove me to her house. I was really excited to see her in her own country, in her own town and in her home. It was a beautiful little area. I. spent a week with her and she took me to various places of interest in the area, some nice little fish restaurants on the coast, and we visited Harvard University and MIT, which were both really beautiful university campuses. I felt really happy with this trip and I’d love to do it again.
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