2019年9-12月雅思口语预测:Makeup | 雅思西安培训
2019-09-17 18:12
• Do you often wear makeup?
I wear makeup fairly often - most days of the week actually. I think I look okay without makeup, but I feel more confident with a little make up, a bit of eyeliner, some blusher, some lipstick. But generally speaking I like to apply my makeup very lightly. I do not like strong, thickly applied makeup. I prefer a more gentle and softer look.
• What does wearing makeup mean to you?
Wearing makeup usually makes me feel more confident and sometimes more sexy. Although I think I look pretty good without makeup, as I mentioned before, I think that it makes some of my stronger features stand out, like my high cheekbones, my eyes and my lips.
• Do you give cosmetics as gifts?
Yes, sometimes, especially if my friends go to another country and a duty free, especially Japan or Korea which are famous for very good quality cosmetics. I might get my mother a face cream or my friends some eye shadow or lipsticks. Facial masks are also quite popular… You know, those masks you put on your face which give nourishment and revitalise your skin.
• What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?
Well, i don’t usually see men wearing makeup in everyday life, so I am not sure. I might think he is an actor or a singer or something. Usually men wear makeup when they work in media or the film industry. I heard that more and more men in Korea are starting to wear makeup, but I don’t think I’ve seen a man in the city where I live wearing makeup. I think it would depend on what the makeup was like… what type of makeup he was wearing. I am really not sure to be honest how I would react if I saw a man wearing makeup, or what I might think.
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