雅思口语描述一个童年玩具3 | 西安雅思班
2019-09-17 18:53
Describe a toy you had in your childhood.
You should say:
When you got the toy
Who gave you the toy
What it was like
And explain how you felt about the toy
When I was a child, I was obsessed with different kinds of toys. But my most favorite toy was BARBIE doll. At that time, BARBIE doll was an expensive toy and my parents weren’t willing to buy me one. However, the beautiful clothes BARBIE wears and small furniture it has cannot be removed from my mind. I decided to make every effort to get one BARBIE doll. I tried to make a deal with my parents, doing chores, buying less snacks and taking care of my brother to exchange a BARBIE doll. Finally, my parents agreed to buy me one. At my 8th birthday, I got my first BARBIE toll of my life.
I can’t express how joyful I was when I received the BARBIE doll as my birthday gift. I couldn’t even wait for the end of the celebration for my birthday and held the box containing my BARBIE toys running into my bedroom. I opened the box immediately and lay the dresses and furniture of the BARBIE on my bed. I still remember there were three different dresses to change and a whole set of furniture for afternoon tea. I touched them gently with my full love, cherishing them more than my own real clothes.
I’m very grateful for the BARBIE doll’s accompanying. At that time, the BARBIE’s dresses were the most beautiful dress I could ever imagine. I dreamed one day when I could have such beautiful dresses and show them in front of everyone’s eyes. This immature idea looked funny in these days, but the time I spent with my BARBIE doll can never be replaced. With my age growing, the second and third BARBIE dolls couldn’t bring about so much joy than the first BARBIE doll did. This will always be my precious experience for my whole life.
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