雅思口语描述一个童年玩具4 | 西安雅思班
2019-09-17 18:53
Describe a toy that you received when you were a child
You should say:
What the toy was.
Who gave it to you
How you used this.
And explain how you felt when you got this toy
When I was a child, I received a Barbie doll as a gift from my father's friend. He bought the toy from the States.
I played with this Barbie doll almost every day. I begged my grandma to make clothes for her and dressed her like a princess or a super star. She was my favorite toy for a long time. I always put her besides my pillow.
I felt super happy when I received this Barbie doll. The doll had long hair, big eyes, and beautiful skirt. When I was a child, Barbie doll was very expensive and my parents couldn't afford to buy it, so Barbie doll had been a dream gift for me. To some extent, receiving the doll was a dream coming true. I saw it as a valuable gift and tried to keep it in a good shape. I also felt thankful for my father's friend who brought this happiness to me.
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