雅思口语万能模板16篇范文 | 西安雅思培训班费用
2019-09-17 13:16
I recently watched a movie called Starstruck, which was a Disney movie,
talking about how a famous pop star, Christopher, fell in love with an ordinary
girl, Jessica. The movie was filmed in Los Angeles and was on in February 2010,
not too old.
I chose it because of the ranking, but when I actually watched it, I
realized that it was a teen’s movie. However, I didn’t regret watching it
because I think I learned something from the movie. It is interesting because it
sees celebrity life from another angle and tells us that we are blessed to be
common people because there is more freedom for us to enjoy. In the film, it
shows us how hard it might be when a person can’t make his own choices and
decisions. At that point, material wealth will not matter to them because they
can’t live their life the way they really want to.
It helped me to reflect on my own life. Now I see I should just enjoy my
life because everyone has the right to enjoy his or her life no matter who he or
she is.
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